29 September 2023 to 1 October 2023
School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, University of Osijek, Croatia
Europe/Zagreb timezone

Asymptotic theorems for contaminated runs of heads in the coin tossing experiment

30 Sept 2023, 15:30
School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, University of Osijek, Croatia

School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, University of Osijek, Croatia

Trg Ljudevita Gaja 6, HR-31000 Osijek


Michael Suja (University of Debrecen)


The classical coin tossing experiment is studied. Asymptotic theorems are obtained concerning the head-runs containing certain numbers of tails. It is proven that the limit distribution of the number of those runs of length 𝑛 containing at most 𝑇 tails is compound Poisson. The normalized first hitting time for the at most 𝑇 contaminated head runs is shown to have an exponential limiting distribution just like any other waiting time distribution. However, accompanying distributions are obtained for the length of the longest head-runs containing at most 𝑇 tails given that it does not have a limiting distribution. To this end, a two parameter family of accompanying distribution is offered. Simulation results supporting the theorems are also presented.

Primary author

Michael Suja (University of Debrecen)


István Fazekas (University of Debrecen)

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