Jul 2 – 5, 2024
Europe/Zagreb timezone

Travel and accommodation

Travel options

The easiest way to reach Osijek from abroad is to fly to Zagreb and take a train or bus to Osijek. The train or bus service from Zagreb is frequent and takes approximately 4 hours. A bus or train ticket from Zagreb to Osijek costs approx. 15 - 20 EUR. 

For other options read further.


The main Croatian airport is located in Zagreb (Pleso Zagreb) and it is well connected to many European destinations. However, Osijek has a local airport (www.osijek-airport.hr), which offers only some direct international flights.

More information about timetables and destinations is available on the official site of Croatia Airlines and Zagreb Airport at www.croatiaairlines.com,

The other closer airports are Belgrade (https://beg.aero/eng) and Budapest (https://www.bud.hu/en), but their connection to Osijek is very limited. For Belgrade check bus tickets on https://lasta.rs/?lang=eng and for Budapest on https://global.flixbus.com/.


Croatia has direct railway links with many European countries and cities (check at reiseauskunft.bahn.de)

Information about Croatian railways and connections to Osijek can be obtained at www.hzpp.hr/en.


Bus lines connect all parts of the country. Regular international bus lines connect Croatia with all neighbouring countries. For information about national and international bus lines, please check the webpage of the Central Bus Station in Zagreb (https://voznired.akz.hr) and the webpage of the Bus Station in Osijek (https://www.arriva.com.hr/en-us/home).


There are different accommodation options around conference venue. See, e.g.,

Hotel Osijek ****  single room (approx. 100 eur), double room (approx. 135 eur). Rooms can be reserved using form MathosHO, which should be sent to email:  info@hotelosijek.hr (until 1 June 2024). 

Maksimilian rooms ***  single room (approx. 60 eur), double room (approx. 75 eur). Rooms can be booked here. While booking please mention "MATHOS" in order to obtain reduced price.

Waldinger Hotel **** Rooms can be booked here. While booking please use promo code "MATHOS" in order to obtain reduced price.

Hotel Materra *****, single room (approx. 140 - 200 eur, with included 20% discount for 8thCroMC participants). Rooms can be reserved by email info@hotelmaterra.hr by phone 031/226-700.  While booking please mention "8thCroMC" in order to obtain this reduced price.

There will be an option to stay in a student dormitory (approx. 16 - 30 eur). 

Reservation details: room in the student dormitory should be booked by 10 June 2024 by the following form: link. However, we cannot guarantee that the capacity will be enough to accommodate all participants. Confirmation of the reservation will be sent in the middle of June.