2–5 Jul 2024
Europe/Zagreb timezone

Asymptotic analysis of sub/super-stabilizability with power means

5 Jul 2024, 10:50
D1 (School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek)


School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek

Trg Ljudevita Gaja 6, Osijek
Talk ANL: Analysis and its Applications Analysis and its Applications


Lenka Mihoković (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia)


For three homogeneous symmetric bivariate means $K$, $M$, $N$, let
$$ \mathcal{R}(K,M,N)(s,t)=K\bigl(M\bigl(s,N(s,t)\bigr),M\bigl(N(s,t),t\bigr) \bigr) $$ be their resultant mean--map. Mean $M$ is said to be stable (or balanced), if $\mathcal{R}(M,M,M)=M$. Mean $M$ is called $(K,N)$-sub(super)-stabilizable, if $\mathcal{R}(K,M,N)\le(\ge)\, M$, and $M$ is between $K$ and $N$, where $K$ and $N$ are two non-trivial stable comparable means. We present some results on $(K,N)$-sub/super-stabilizability where $K$ and $N$ belong to the class of power means, denoted by $B_p$, and $M$ is one of the classical or recently studied new means. Assuming that means $K$, $M$ and $N$ have asymptotic expansions, we present the complete asymptotic expansion $$ R(x-t,x+t)= \mathcal{R}(K,M,N)(x-t,x+t)\sim\sum_{m=0}^\infty a_m^R t^{m} x^{-m+1},\quad x\to\infty. $$ As an application of the obtained asymptotic expansions and the asymptotic inequality between $M$ and $\mathcal{R}(B_p,M,B_q)$, we show how to find the optimal parameters $p$ and $q$ for which $M$ is $(B_p,B_q)$ sub(super)-stabilizable.

Primary author

Lenka Mihoković (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia)

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