2–5 Jul 2024
Europe/Zagreb timezone

Computable approximations of semicomputable graphs

5 Jul 2024, 10:50
D2 (School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek)


School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek

Trg Ljudevita Gaja 6, Osijek
Talk ML: Logic, Computation and Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science Logic, Computation and Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science


Marko Horvat (University of Zagreb Faculty of Science)


This work is part of the research programme that is trying to determine
which conditions render semicomputable subsets of computable metric
spaces computable. In particular, we study generalized topological
graphs, which are obtained by gluing arcs and rays together at their
endpoints. We prove that every semicomputable generalized graph in
a computable metric space can be approximated, with arbitrary
precision, by a computable subgraph with computable endpoints.

Primary authors

Dr Vedran Čačić (University of Zagreb Faculty of Science) Matea Čelar (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science) Marko Horvat (University of Zagreb Faculty of Science) Zvonko Iljazović (University of Zagreb)

Presentation materials

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