2–5 Jul 2024
Europe/Zagreb timezone

Vector-valued Siegel modular forms and Poincaré series

2 Jul 2024, 16:25
D2 (School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek)


School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek

Trg Ljudevita Gaja 6, Osijek
Talk NT: Number Theory Number Theory


Sonja Zunar (University of Zagreb)


Let $ \Gamma $ be a congruence subgroup of $ \mathrm{Sp}_{2n}(\mathbb Z) $. Using Poincaré series of $ K $-finite matrix coefficients of integrable discrete series representations of $ \mathrm{Sp}_{2n}(\mathbb R) $, we construct a spanning set for the space $ S_\rho(\Gamma) $ of Siegel cusp forms for $ \Gamma $ of weight $ \rho $, where $ \rho $ is an irreducible polynomial representation of $ \mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb C) $ of highest weight $ \omega=(\omega_1,\ldots,\omega_n)\in\mathbb Z^n $ with $ \omega_1\geq\ldots\geq\omega_n>2n $. We study the non-vanishing of constructed Siegel cusp forms and their role in the theory of Siegel modular forms.

Primary author

Sonja Zunar (University of Zagreb)

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